It was a lovely and warm Saturday afternoon when the Matchbook Book Club's second meeting took place at the reading room at Hart House at 11am. Many old and new faces have arrived for thoughts and discussions, which was a pleasure.
July is certainly the perfect month for a mystery and as such, all of us wholeheartedly agreed to pick a classic: Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express."
Travelling on the Orient Express, Poirot is approached by a desperate American named Ratchett. Afraid that someone plans to kill him, Ratchett asks Poirot for help. Sadly the very next day Ratchett's worst fears become reality, when he is found dead in his cabin, a victim of multiple stab wounds. With nothing but a scrap of paper to go on, Poirot must piece together Ratchett’s identity before he can establish which of his fellow passengers murdered him.
The world of Agatha Christie is an enthralling one and those who want to further investigate more into the realm of Christie would find her website a very helpful guide, in addition to a spot of fun with games, news, and so much more.
Joie de vivre,
I also recommend you check out PBS Murder on the Orient Express with David Suchet as Hercule. Or the older version (not sure who produced it) with Albert Finney as Hercule. I think it was filmed in the 1980s.